Saturday, June 26, 2010

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 RTM – Express is FREE!

Microsoft®  has released their free version of Microsoft SQL Server® 2008 R2 which is called  Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 RTM – Express. Microsoft®  says  

“It  is a powerful and reliable data management system that delivers a rich set of features, data protection, and performance for embedded applications, lightweight Web Sites and applications, and local data stores. Designed for easy deployment and rapid prototyping, this download includes support for Sysprep, Microsoft's System Preparation Utility for Microsoft Windows operating system deployment.”

I liked that part it says “lightweight Web Sites and applications”, so thought of downloading it which is with Management Tools since  it is also “FREE”. May be you can give it a try as well, click here to visit the download page.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Add styling to a Zend Framework based web application

Ordinary <link> tag won’t help you to add style sheets to a view script of a MVC application which uses  Zend Framework. This is because URL doesn’t direct to the actual root directory. But with help of a view helper, called baseUrl() it'll be easy to solve this problem.
Add following 3 lines of code to the <head>; section of your .phtml (view) script. Remember, in this case your CSS files should be in yoursite/public/css

echo $this->headMeta(); 
   echo $this->headMeta();
   echo $this->headTitle();
   echo $this->headLink()->prependStylesheet($this->baseUrl().'/css