Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Happy B'Day!!!!

Its 1st birthday of my blog. Tried to share many things with you all that I get to know about the world. Ya I know most of them are into IT :)
So hopefully in this year I try my best to shear more and more things with you that will help you to know a new thing.
Thank you for reading my blog!! hope you got something out of it.
Thank You!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

SEO and Web Designing Company from Sri Lanka

vPowerWeb is a SEO, Web Designing & Developemnt Company based on Sri Lanka. They are experts in using white hat SEO techniques that will ensure a high rank for your website on organic search engine results. vPowerWeb’s Services are not limited to Search Engine Optimization, Few other services offerd by vPowerweb;

- Web designing
Web development
Logo and graphic designing
e-Commerce solutions
CMS customization
Customized web hosting
- Internet technology based consultancy

In addition to that vPowerWeb has expertise in Joomla, Wordpress and CMSMS - Extention development, Template Customization, Full site developement.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Need AllVideos Plug-in to be work on different Joomla module positions?

AllVideos is the ultimate video embedding plug-in for Joomla! But most of the time web devs need videos to be embed in different module position of the Joomla template. This is not possible with legacy AllVideos plug-in which was only supported to publish videos on content sections.
But you don’t need to worry, AllVedeos Reloaded is the solution that you are looking for. AllVedeos Reloaded is a great component which is built on legacy AllVideos plug-in. This component has improved to publish videos in any module position that supports by the Joomla template and in main content sections as well.
Hope you will love this Joomla extension so much, like I do… :)

Friday, April 17, 2009 – A Free Classifieds website is a website that allows you to post FREE classified ads under hundreds of well arranged categories. Site is specially for Sri Lankan community, but not stopping any other person from any country in the world to post a classified ad for Free. Posting a classified at is very simple, if you are new user you need to register with and then the door is open for you to post any number of classifieds for FOC. also allowed Free banner ads facility till 31 of July 2009, which has reach its limits where all banner space has been taken by different people. But you can always request a slot by putting an email to
So it’s up to you to get use of these great deals with

Monday, February 09, 2009

Simple Joomla! Hack to hide links from registered users.

Last week when I was doing some changes to one of my websites, I came across a requirement to display "Login and Registration" link only for guest users, once the members logged in to their member area, it should be a "Logout" link.

Unfortunately Joomla! Core doesn’t support that feature, which I think most of you might also need badly. But it was a very simple hack, and will be useful for Joomla! devs who are looking for the same functionality. Here I'm posting a small PHP code which does the Job.

if (!($my->id)) {
echo "
Welcome! Sign in Or Register.
"; }else{ echo "
Welcome! ".$my->name."| Logout.
"; }

Friday, January 09, 2009

Auser Manager to work as in it's Demo!

To make Auser manager, which is a Joomla! component, to work same as in it's demo you might need some reading on the web other than downloading Auser component from . This is because Auser Manager itself uses some plug-ins like SecureForm which gives the CAPTCHA facility, a visual verification of an image. So you need to install SecureForm Plug-in and enable it.

Not only that, in the demo you can see some Ajax base field validations, which you won’t get with Auser manager installation. available at the moment (Moment of this article is getting published). What is in the demo is a beta version under development and testing. So the version with Ajax messages is not available for download at the moment.
But there is a workaround. To have all those ajax messages you need some more work to do. Get FormCheck by MooTools which is a set of Java script libraries. This allows you to add ajax messages to any form fields in your web site. With some code editing of Auser manager you’ll be able to get the functionality as is in Auser manager demo.
Good Luck!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

How to upgrade your existing Joomla 1.5.x to Joomal 1.5.8.

When I had to upgrade one of my existing Joomla web sites to the latest version of Joomla, I went through the installation guide and read everything under “Upgrading 1.5 from an existing 1.5x version”, and thought why can’t we say it in simple and straight forward manner.
So here it is...

To be in safe side take a backup of your Joomla site, means take a copy of your Joomla web folder, then go to which has the list of updates that are relevant to your installation of Joomla(Check your Joomla version in Admin Area -> Help-> System Info).

Once you download the correct upgrade file for your Joomla site, what you need to do is extract the compressed file to a location that you want (May be to your Desktop). Then what you have to do is go in to that folder and copy all files and folders in it to clipboard. After that go to your existing Joomla web site location (FTP to the server)and paste everything to you Joomla folder. Overwrite whatever existing files in the web folder with the new files.

Now your Joomla web site is upgraded from Joomla 1.5.x to Joomla 1.5.8 (Latest at the moment)