Sunday, January 04, 2009

How to upgrade your existing Joomla 1.5.x to Joomal 1.5.8.

When I had to upgrade one of my existing Joomla web sites to the latest version of Joomla, I went through the installation guide and read everything under “Upgrading 1.5 from an existing 1.5x version”, and thought why can’t we say it in simple and straight forward manner.
So here it is...

To be in safe side take a backup of your Joomla site, means take a copy of your Joomla web folder, then go to which has the list of updates that are relevant to your installation of Joomla(Check your Joomla version in Admin Area -> Help-> System Info).

Once you download the correct upgrade file for your Joomla site, what you need to do is extract the compressed file to a location that you want (May be to your Desktop). Then what you have to do is go in to that folder and copy all files and folders in it to clipboard. After that go to your existing Joomla web site location (FTP to the server)and paste everything to you Joomla folder. Overwrite whatever existing files in the web folder with the new files.

Now your Joomla web site is upgraded from Joomla 1.5.x to Joomla 1.5.8 (Latest at the moment)

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